Nobody’s Perfect!!!

look at me“She’s not a good lecturer. She must give a good example to her students. I really don’t like her. She’s selfish.”

“Not all students like to be pointed and speak up in front of class. He must realize his students’ psychology.”

“She’s so clumsy. She brings the class become damn nervous. She’s not a good one!”

“What time is it??? He’s too late. I don’t like a lazy person. Just inform us if you won’t come to class. This is what I don’t like!”

“I don’t like their method in delivering the material in the class. I got bored and sleepy.”

Those are some expressions of what my friends said about. Yeah, sometimes, I feel the same as they feel, but I try to think positive first about my lecturers. And sometimes, I really get annoyed listening to their complaints to the lecturers. They really didn’t realize of what they said. They complain too rude, even one day, some didn’t enter the class, because they don’t like the lecturer. Oh, gee! That’s not a good example student. The worst thing (I think), some mates reported to the head of Writing subject about lecturer’s method in the class. They couldn’t accept himself. And I’m so pity about him. Instead, I got a lot of knowledge from him. Yeah, I know, he always gives some jokes while he’s teaching. And I think, that’s okay anyway. It just makes the class exciting and the students don’t get bored and sleepy. So, what’s going on?????

They are really smart in saying bad about something but they seldom give a good impression to the lecturers. They didn’t notice themselves…
Ask yourselves…
~ Do u usually give an opinion or an answer when the lecturers ask a question??
~ Are you active in the class while in learning process or you just sitting and silent??
~ Have you ever raised your hand, be a brave student, and speak up in front of class or you just sitting at the back and again and again complain and complain???

I don’t really know WHAT KIND of lecturer they like???
And you will experience be a teacher or lecturer and find your students complain to you. What u are gonna do?? You couldn’t nothing…..

One of my mates said to me..
“Why the lecturers here don’t give the limit time of their coming. It’s really unfair. Look! If we are late more than 15 minutes we will lost the class. But they? Even 1 hour, we still wait and join their class. Shit!!”
And I said…
“Because we need them…. If you don’t wanna enter his class coz he comes late, just do it. And I’m sure you couldn’t…”
She got silent and said..
“Yeah, you’re right!”

I remember what Mrs. Muli said..
“If you wanna be a success student, you must have a good attitude to everything…. To the lecturers, subjects and learning process…”

~ by Zhoya on October 31, 2009.

30 Responses to “Nobody’s Perfect!!!”

  1. ciiat..hiiat..kabooms..WooozZ(efekdebu trotoar)
    zhoya akatsuki feat brisukisukii^^
    __salampagii selamatpagii future__

  2. may bri introduce myself?…ciiat

    my name is bri..

    live at bekasi..zhoya where did you live?

    im now college student and still have much question

    akatsuki where did you study??

    maybe we can share what we grew…KabooMss

    __sorry im not perfect__

    • hahahaha….
      Hello Bri,,
      what’s up man???
      i live in Makassar..
      and i study at State University of Makassar. (Universitas Negeri Makassar)..

      anymore question???

      • morning zhoya..morningfuture
        my question is
        do you have a boy friend?^^
        __zhoya akatsuki feat…….__

  3. waduh… english not…bhs indonesia aja lah.
    1st: thanks to your visited to my blog and add my bloglink ( alah msh pake english juga )
    2nd : your blog added at my blog …he…he… gak bs bhs inggris..

  4. Wah mbak, blogke basa planet semuwa nih, aku jadi nggak paha nih. PRnya dah 1 yah, mahku baru 4. Salam kenyal ya mbak? 😆

  5. <Bri Sukisuki..

    No, i dont hv a boyfriend, but i got engaged already.. ^_^

    • morning zhoya akatsuki dari brisukisuki
      im not bri^^..just call me that iaa..thanks^^

      why u asking bout my boyfriend???
      __maybe we can share what we grew__

      thatis praying and im praying

      u understand???

  6. wah, keren ya baju kaosnya, apalagi tulisannya itu lho..hehehee

  7. pokoknya keren abis deh. sukses non, salam kenal yaa

  8. hi Zhoya.. i’m here.. 🙂

    so are you a lecturer? great ha? 😉

  9. maksudnya uda tunangan?

  10. numpang baca2 ya
    lumayan buat blajar english ku yg katrok abis

    salam kenal aja


  11. ___salampagii___
    selamat pagi future artinya paan??
    artinya selamat pagii…ahahay
    zhoya gk ngerti iaa?
    coba deh bacanya pelan pelan
    klo msh gk ngerti blajar buat mengerti iaa

    doyou study at jakarta zhoya???
    __maybe we can share what wegrew together^^__

  12. Hmm, yes yes yes…
    no no no…
    Iya bukan? *yes not?*

  13. selamat menikmati akhir pekannya sahabat
    salam hangat selalu
    kinjungan perdana

  14. waaahhhh..b inggris nya hebat banget..
    ngaco abis…masa “dunno” = tidak…
    berdasarkan kalimat2 seperti ini
    I really dunno like her
    I dunno like a lazy person
    I dunno like their method in delivering the material in the class

    pliiiiisss deeehhhhh…

    yang namanya “dunno”itu sama dengan “do not know” yang artinya “tidak tau”..
    kalo ga bisa english,jangan sok pake nulis english deh..adek gw yang masih SD kelas 5 aja,ketawa pas baca tulisan lo..

    maaf ya..bukan sok pintar…tapi gw setuju ma bro pengamat yang di ngomen di posting..”AAAaaarrrrgggghhhhh” itu..
    ini demi kebaikan lo juga…sayangkan,cantik2 tapi englishnya hancur…ngaku2 pengajar english lagi…

    jadi sebaiknya sebelum nge post dalam english,DIBACA LAGI…

    ini hanya sebuah saran,jangan marah…

    • Ehh,, gag marah kok..
      gw malah berterima kasih …
      terima kasih sebanyak2 nyaaaa,,,
      walaupun kata2 nya sangat pediss.. T__T
      tapi gag jadi masalah buat gw…
      justru lebih memotivasi diri gw…

      eh, gw bukannya sok english loh…
      tapi berusaha semaksimal mungkin bisa english dengan baik dan benar… *kan gw cita2nya pengen jadi Dosen bh inggris… masa seorang Dosen englishnya hancuurrrr????

      yawda gw benerin yg salah yahhhh!!! hehehe…
      masih ada lagi gag???
      bantuin yak,, lu kan jago english nya… hehe…
      sebelum semua orang baca “keanehan” english gw… wkwkwkwkwkwk…

      gw emang pengajr english…
      tpi anak SD.. wkwkwkwkwk… jadi yg dasarnya aja kan…
      heuheu… *angkat2 alis..

      eh, photo gw cantik yak??? matati… wkwkwkwk..
      sering2 mampir kecini yah…
      ditunggu kritikan selanjutnyaaaa….

  15. ( ~ Do u usually give an opinion or an answer when the lecturers ask a question??
    ~ Are you active in the class while in learning process or you just sitting and silent??
    ~ Have you ever raised your hand, be a brave student, and speak up in front of class or you just sitting at the back and again and again complain and complain??? )

    keaktif’n mahasiswa didalam kelas sangat berpengaruh dalam keadaan suasana dalam kelas tersebut ,,,

    belajar dalam keadaan serius itu bagus asalkan suasananya tidak membuat ketegangan dalam belajar, itu malah akan membuat pikiran kita tidak berkonsentrasi penuh dalam menyerap ilmu tersebut…

    belajar itu tidak seutuhnya melalui dosen atau pengajar saja,,,
    jadi kalau kita tidak suka dengan cara mengajar dosen kita carilah ilmu di luar yang membahas pelajaran tersebut agar kita tetap mengerti tentang pelajaran tersebut….

    tetap semangat sambil angkat” alis … 😀 😀 😀

  16. “Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of education.”
    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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